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Strategy I: Teaching & Learning


We will redefine and transform Teaching & Learning in order for students to actualize their own unique genius.

8 Action Plans:

1.1  Professional Development
GBCS will create a professional development plan to improve teaching and learning that is personalized and focused. (8 Action Steps)

1.2 Instructional Coaching/Intervention/Multi-Tiered Student Support (MTSS): 
100% of all students with academic and/or social-emotional needs will be offered support through tiered K-12 interventions using the MTSS model. (5 Action Steps)

1.3 Innovative Programs
Innovative Programs within Grand Blanc Community Schools will be organized and integrated so that they are more accessible, rigorous, engaging, and cost-effective to meet the rapidly changing needs of all families. (6 Action Steps)

1.4 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
To foster Culturally Responsive Sustaining Education, all staff will engage in equitable instructional and community-building practices that recognize, value, and support all students, staff, and families. (7 Action Steps)

1.5 Early Childhood/Preschool
Young learners will be able to access high-quality preschool education through the  expansion of Early Childhood programming in order to be better prepared for entry into Kindergarten and become  successful students. (6 Action Steps)

1.6 Alternative Education
Build and implement a fully functioning, stand-alone alternative education program that serves students in grades 9-12. (5 Action Steps)

1.7 Competency-Based Learning
GBCS will form a CBL Team that will work with private consultants and the technology team to deliver training and establish band-level-appropriate plans and expectations for district-wide implementation of SBG and CBL (with full implementation to occur during the next five-year strategic plan cycle). (5 Actions Steps)

1.8 Access to Art Instruction
In the next five years, students across all elementary schools in Grand Blanc will engage in art education and STEAM every week (as opposed to twice every 15 days, as they do now.) (5 Action Steps)

Strategy I was led by Action Team Leaders: Sarah Courneya (McGrath/Anderson), Allyson Walroth (Curriculum).
It is important to note that these action plans are subject to board of education approval, funding, and various other circumstances.

Strategic Planning Contact:

Superintendent's Office:
(810) 591-6014

Planning Process

I: Teaching & Learning

II: Character & Culture

III: Home & Community

IV: Operations & Technology