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Strategy III: Home & Community


We will redefine home and community in order for students to actualize their own unique genius.

Teacher playing soccer with two preschoolers

4 Action Plans:

3.1 Effective Communication
We will provide effective communication to the stakeholders of our district. (9 Action Steps)

3.2 Community Partnership
We will create a connected community and district that supports all stakeholders, mutually, through shared resources. (8 Action Steps)

3.3 Inclusive Beginning and Transitions
100% of families new to the district (or transitioning from building to building within the district) will experience a centralized/streamlined enrollment with comprehensive support for both students and families. (5 Action Steps)

3.4 Positive Connections from Birth to Graduation
We will create more opportunities for positive connections with Grand Blanc families. (9 Action Steps)

Strategy III was led by Action Team Leaders: Jamie Wagner (Reid) & Lori Jackson (GBHS).
It is important to note that these action plans are subject to board of education approval, funding, and various other circumstances.

Strategic Planning Contact:

Superintendent's Office:
(810) 591-6014

Planning Process

I: Teaching & Learning

II: Character & Culture

III: Home & Community

IV: Operations & Technology