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P2 Student Resources

A Message from The Positivity Project...

Dear GBCS Families,
You now have access to The Positivity Project’s resource library (available at
If you haven’t already, we recommend watching the 50-minute P2 100 training video led by P2 chairman & co-founder Mike Erwin.  The password is: OtherPeopleMatterMindset
To get you started, The Positivity Project’s Ed. Tech Coordinator, Frank Adamo, who is also an 8th grade English teacher, put together two tutorials for you: 3 Clicks to Success with P2 Resources and Accessing P2 Resources to help you understand how to maximize your experience in the resource library. 
In a segment on ABC’s The View, the co-founders of The Positivity Project discussed how making children aware that every one of them has all 24 character strengths, provides the foundation for genuine self-confidence grounded in self-awareness. At the same time, it helps children better understand why everyone is different and how to appreciate those differences. Unlike our height, weight, or skin color, character is something that can’t be seen with the naked eye. Therefore, understanding and valuing it — especially in other people — requires a framework of consistent reflection and discussion.
Remember that your child(ren) has been learning about character strengths like bravery, perseverance, optimism, and gratitude, all year long.  What you will find that emerges from you consistently teaching the character strengths is something that’s incredibly important: a common thread in the vocabulary used at school, and now in your home, to describe the good in people, which is critical in extraordinary times like these.  
Thank you again for continuing to instill in your child(ren) the importance of character strengths and positive relationships.  


P2 Student Resources